The wrong chair can be a health hazard:
Maintaining the wrong seating posture over an extended period could result in debilitating pains and medical conditions. These conditions are normally called Work Related Muscolo Sketal Disorders – or WRMSD for short.
Examples of these include: Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) or Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs), including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tendonitis.
We recognizes the importance of Ergonomics and hence our entire range of chairs, sofas are designed and built with ergonomics in mind in a manner to improve the physical comfort, health and productivity of workers.
Choosing the “right” chair
The complexity of choosing the right chair exists because human beings come in all shapes and sizes. So, what is “ideal” for a 5 foot 1 inch Indian female would not suit a 6 foot 3 inch westerner.
Then there is the functional element of the chair to be taken into consideration. Generally speaking sitting on the chair and taking a test is the best way to ascertain your comfort levels. In general terms though, make sure you check out the following ten factors while buying a chair. The time a person is expected to spend on the chair is another factor that impacts its design. The longer the duration a person is expected to be seated, the more attention required in terms of ergonomic factors and comfort.
Ten factors are considered important while choosing the chair of your choice and comfort:–
Seat Pan Depth – The taller the person, the greater the seat pan depth should be.
Seat Pan Width – Big built people need chairs with greater seat pan width while slim people can make do with standard sizes.
Backrest Height and width ( top of the backrest) – The height of the backrest should match the height of the person. The width of the backrest is normally dependent on the seat pan width.
Backrest Width – once again, the bigger the person, the more (the) width he will require for his backrest.
Backrest Lumbar Support – Lumbar support is vital for those doing sedentary jobs that involve a lot of sitting.
Armrest Height – Once again this is best left adjustable as people with different heights require different arm rest heights.
Armrest Span – ideally this should not be larger than the length from the elbow to the finger tip of the user.
Chair Casters – Castors should be easy to maneuver and quiet in operation.
Upholstery – The upholstery should match the climate of work, and the convenience in terms of maintenance.
Number of “adjustables” amongst above – While not all chairs have these parameters as adjustable, a good chair must offer possibilities of adjustment in a number of these above points.